November 28, 2021 // Pastor Matt Janzen
As believers in Christ, we have the confidence in who God has called us to be. Let's be kingdom minded and put God's kingdom first, where God's will is done on earth and supercedes all.
November 21, 2021 // Pastor Matt Janzen
As believers, we have been honoured and given value by God so that we can honour and give value to others and build them up.
November 14, 2021 // Pastors Matt and Tonya Janzen
As believers, our overarching identity is as followers of Christ and together we form a family which goes beyond our differences. The one who unites us is greater than the one who divides us.
November 7, 2021 // Pastor Matt Janzen
We want to be people who continually grow in Christ, trusting God in every aspect of our lives, that we may encourage others and see Christ grow in them.
October 31, 2021 // Pastor Tonya Janzen
Rest is counter cultural in today's society but rest is a gift from God to us. We want to be people who live in His presence because it's there that we will find rest.
October 24, 2021 // Pastor Matt Janzen
As believers in Christ, we can depend on the blessing of prayer to be able to connect and converse with God anytime, anywhere.
October 17, 2021 // Pastors Matt Janzen and Tonya Janzen
Let's be carriers of God's presence into every situation and worship Him in everything we do.
October 10, 2021 // Pastor Matt Janzen
As believers in Jesus Christ, we stand on the firm foundation of God's word and have the confidence that it is the truth and the standard to live by.
October 3, 2021 // Pastor Matt Janzen
As believers, we are called to love and care for everyone and we joyfully share the good news of Jesus Christ!