You Are The Light
February 16, 2025 // Pastor Matt Janzen
"When you rejoice and are glad in the midst of persecution, conflict and suffering, then you will shine like a light." "I can face whatever it is that's coming against me today and I can smile because my God is with me, He will not leave me, He will not forsake me." Pastor Matt Janzen.
Christ is Enough
January 26, 2025 // Pastor Matt Janzen
"When we face discouragement, when we face adversity, when we face challenging days, it's important for us to remember that Christ truly is our firm foundation. That he truly is what we need. He is the hope for the future, he is the hope for eternity!" Pastor Matt Janzen.
Deeper Love
January 19, 2025 // Pastor Matt Janzen
"What really matters is that time in His presence. What really matters is the encounter with the Holy Spirit. What really matters is the day that we will appear before the throne of God where He looks down at us and say's, 'Well done my good and faithful servant'." Pastor Matt Janzen.