June 19, 2022 // Pastor Matt Janzen
When the fear around us becomes great, let's be people who turn and put our focus on the one who is greater than our storms, Jesus.
June 12, 2022 // Pastor Matt Janzen
Let's be people who seek the Lord for guidance when we face an unknown future and he will light the way. Our confidence is in the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
June 5, 2022 // Pastor Ev Schroeder
Let's be people who look to God and allow Him to release us from the bondages of our past so that we can walk freely in the calling He has on our lives.
May 29, 2022 // Pastor Mike Schroeder
God loves us and wants the very best for us. Let's be people who realize our worth to God and not to worry as He's watching over us supplying every need!
May 22, 2022 // Pastors Matt and Tonya Janzen
We will have storms in our lives that will cause us to get lost in our chaotic circumstances but let's be people who keep focused on Jesus who will calm our hearts and restore order to our minds and souls.
May 15, 2022 // Pastor Matt Janzen
We are not enough but God is more than enough and will cover us and equip us in our weakness. Let's rest in the confidence we have in God and His truth.
May 8, 2022 // Pastor Mike Schroeder
God is our source for everything so we do not have to fear. Let's be people who are strong, courageous and seek wisdom to know what to do. Trust in Jesus and rest in the perfect love of God.
May 1, 2022 // Pastor Matt Janzen
In today's world our heads are being filled with negativity and lies causing fear and anxiety. Focus on Jesus and let God fill your mind with truth. Where there is truth, there is freedom. This is our confidence!