The Pursuit
October 27, 2024 //Pastor Matt Janzen
"God is looking for people that will pursue Him even when it doesn't make sense. When life is in chaos and your mind is convincing you that the evidence points to imminent disaster. Hold On! If you hold onto Him and keep your eyes on Jesus, He can carry you through and can move in your circumstances." Paster Matt Janzen.
Pathway to Purpose
October 20, 2024 //Pastor Tonya Janzen
"Our sins may be huge and overwhelming to us, but His loving kindness and His tender mercies are even greater." Pastor Tonya Janzen. "We need to be a people that is constantly confessing our sin and letting Him purify us because in that purity there is FREEDOM."
Breaking Limitations
September 29, 2024 // Pastor Matt Janzen
"When we recognize that there is a God, that He's in control and that He's crazy about you, we can put ourselves into His hands, trusting that He has a plan. God's love will not be stopped. He is in charge and He is Lord." Pastor Matt Janzen.