December 26, 2021 // Pastor Matt Janzen
God loved the world so much, He gave His only son to us. As believers, we can be confident in God's great love for us. And this love is a gift for everyone, not just for a few.
December 19, 2021 // Pastor Matt Janzen
True joy is a gift from God that is freely given to everyone. Let's choose to receive this gift so we can have access to the joy that is only found in Jesus.
December 12, 2021 // Pastor Ev Schroeder
As believers, we have access to a peace that goes beyond all human understanding. In the midst of every circumstance in life, we can have peace because we are anchored to Jesus.
December 5, 2021 // Pastor Mike Schroeder
As believers, we have hope that goes beyond what we can see. Our hope is in Jesus and what he has done for us. This hope is for today and our future in eternity.