Grief to Joy
October 18, 2020 // Pastor Mike Schroeder
We will all experience loss and grief in our lives. There is a time to mourn. Jesus knows what you're going through and loves you and wants to restore you. Jesus will restore you to happier times and fill you with joy.
Brokenness to Wholeness
October 11, 2020 // Pastor Matt Janzen
We long and search for wholeness in this world but are unable to find it or it's only temporary. Our God is the God of restoration and He has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ.
October 4, 2020 // Pastor Mike Schroeder
When going through life too fast, remember to take care of yourself, eat properly, rest and have quiet time so that you can hear the quiet still voice of the Lord guiding you.
September 27, 2020 // Pastor Matt Janzen
Failure is inevitable but when you allow it to define you, it can weigh you down. God wants to restore you, and He will use your failures to glorify His name.
September 20, 2020 // Pastor Mike Schroeder
Trust in the Lord and do not fear. Take courage and be secure in His love.
He will never leave you.
September 13, 2020 // Pastor Matt Janzen
Right now the world feels in chaos and it can be overwhelming. But God loves order and He will restore us. God is the God of restoration.